Flagstaff Smiles

Should I Be Worried About My Bleeding Gums?

November 17, 2020
6 Min Read
Should I Be Worried About My Bleeding Gums?

Main Causes of Bleeding Gums

We’ve probably all had this experience. After brushing our teeth and spitting, we notice some blood in the vanity sink? Should you be concerned? Gums bleed for many reasons. Some of those reasons should prompt some concern and may even require gum disease treatment by a dentist in Flagstaff, but others are entirely innocuous. Here are ___ reasons that your gums may bleed, along with how concerned to be and what you should do in response.

Gingivitis can cause your gums to bleed

Gum disease presents along a spectrum from minor gingivitis to serious periodontitis. Plaque that lingers on your teeth and gums can fuel bacteria that can infect your gums in the form of gingivitis that can cause your gums to bleed. To resolve gingivitis and stop your gums from bleeding, simply brush and floss your teeth regularly and attend checkups at your dentist twice a year. If gingivitis is not resolved, it can develop into periodontitis that may require gum disease treatment at a dentist in Flagstaff.

If you’re pregnant, hormonal changes that increase the flow of blood to your gums make them particularly sensitive to plaque and bacteria, and to gums that are sensitive and bleed during tooth-brushing. Pregnancy-related gingivitis and bleeding gums will cease after childbirth and subsequent hormonal changes.

Taking a day off can cause your gums to bleed

Even healthy gums can bleed if you miss just a single day of brushing your teeth and flossing. If you are typically assiduous when it comes to daily dental hygiene, but simply missed a day because you were busy or distracted, don’t be alarmed. Simply renew your typical diligence and be confident that the bleeding will stop.

Some medications can cause your gums to bleed

Blood thinners reduce the natural clotting ability of your blood and allow tissues, including your gums, more easily. If you are taking any medications with a blood-thinning effect, let your dentist know so that they can consider recommendations to alter your oral care routine.

Changes to your flossing routine can cause your gums to bleed

The most common cause of bleeding during flossing is having skipped a few flossing sessions. Sometimes increasing the frequency of flossing or returning to flossing after a break can cause bleeding. As long as that bleeding is minor and stops after a couple of flossing sessions, it is nothing to be concerned about. If the bleeding does not stop or happens every time you floss, let your dentist know for their advice.

Poor diet can cause your gums to bleed

Many processed foods contain preservatives and additives that can irritate your gums and even cause them to bleed. If only minor and occasional, that bleeding is not something to worry about. If the bleeding persists or is significant, mention it to your dentist who’ll closely examine your gums for anything of concern. To improve the health of your gums, focus on eating fruits and vegetables and foods rich in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium.

Stress can cause your gums to bleed

Persistent stress and anxiety can cause the inflammation of your blood vessels, breakdowns of soft tissues in your mouth, and a compromised immune system. Both those things can make you vulnerable to many conditions, including bleeding gums. While those causes are not, themselves, issues of dental concern, your dentist will monitor your gums closely and take any actions possible to sustain their health in the face of those stress-related issues.

Misaligned teeth can cause your gums to bleed

“Bite disease” is a colloquial term for bleeding gums that can be caused by misaligned teeth. When teeth are out of their natural position, pressure is placed in the wrong places on your teeth, gums, and jaw while you bite and chew. Unnatural pressure can cause your gums to recede and your jaw bone to deteriorate. Receding gums can make you especially vulnerable to gum disease and bloody gums. For options to address any misaligned teeth you have, arrange a consultation with a dentist in Flagstaff.

Smoking and vaping can cause your gums to bleed

Smokers and people who vape are particularly susceptible to a wide range of oral health problems, including bloody, infected, and sensitive gum tissue. To preserve the health of your gums, and for a wide variety of additional reasons, you should consider quitting smoking. If you don’t smoke, dentists recommend that you don’t start.

Minor and temporarily bleeding gums are not generally a cause for concern. Bleeding that is significant or persistent, though, may warrant consultation with a dentist near you. If you’re concerned about whether your bleeding gums indicate the need to investigate gum disease treatment near you, contact a dentist for advice.

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